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Postpartum Services

The person you were before you gave birth, is not the person you are after. Although the birth happens in the quickest of moments, it takes time to adjust to the reality of this shift. We are here to mother the mother so she is able to best care for herself and her family.


Daytime Support

We weren’t made to go at it alone, let us be on your team. From the hours of 9am-9pm we are at your service to give you a supportive ear, extra pair of hands, sound advice. We provide evidence based care regarding sleeping, feeding, newborn care, breastfeeding, baby wearing, sibling support, healing postpartum meals and teas also light housework, baby laundry and tidying up.


Nighttime Support

Sleep is vital to your healing, which impacts your overall postpartum experience. What does overnight postpartum care look like? It takes place between the hours of 9pm-6am. Typically, the doula will stay with baby in another room so that you are able to get adequate rest. We support you in your feeding goals and will bring baby in to nurse, prepare bottles or assist in pumping. We can do light tidying, fold laundry or prepare breakfast for you with our main goal to always ensure you, baby and the rest of the family are getting adequate rest that you need to flourish.

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